Source code for cfg_loader.loader


    Implement the loading class

    :copyright: Copyright 2017 by ConsenSys France.
    :license: BSD, see :ref:`license` for more details.

import os

from .exceptions import ConfigFileMissingError, ConfigFileNotFoundError
from .utils import parse_yaml_file

# Default environment variable containing the path of a .yaml configuration file

[docs]class BaseConfigLoader: """Base config loader using a marshmallow schema to validate and process input data :param schema: Marshmallow schema used to deserialize configuration input data """ def __init__(self, config_schema, substitution_mapping=None): self.substitution_mapping = substitution_mapping or {} self.config_schema = config_schema
[docs] def load(self, data, substitution_mapping=None): """Load configuration from an object :param input: Data to load configuration from (must be deserializable by schema) :type input: object """ substitution_mapping = substitution_mapping or self.substitution_mapping return self.config_schema(substitution_mapping=substitution_mapping).load(data)
[docs]class YamlConfigLoader(BaseConfigLoader): """Config loader that reads config from .yaml file :param config_file_env_var: Environment variable to read config file path from if not provided when loading :type config_file_env_var: str """ def __init__(self, *args, config_file_env_var=DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_ENV_VAR, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.config_file_env_var = config_file_env_var
[docs] def check_file(self, config_file): """Check file validity :param config_file: Path to the .yaml configuration file :type config_file: str """ if config_file is None: raise ConfigFileMissingError(""" No configuration file specified. Please provide a configuration valid file path or set the environ variable '{var}' """.format(var=self.config_file_env_var)) if not os.path.isfile(config_file): raise ConfigFileNotFoundError(""" No such file '{path}' """.format(path=config_file)) return config_file
[docs] def load(self, config_file=None, substitution_mapping=None): """Load configuration from .yaml file :param config_file: Path to the .yaml configuration file :type config_file: str """ if config_file is None: # If config file is not provided retrieves it from environment variable config_file = os.environ.get(self.config_file_env_var) # Check config_file is valid self.check_file(config_file) # Parse yaml file data = parse_yaml_file(config_file) return super().load(data, substitution_mapping)